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Top Tax Deductions Every Small Business Owner Should Know
For small business owners, one of the best ways to reduce your tax liability and keep more money in your pockets is by taking advantage of tax deductions. Whether you’re just starting out or

New Business? Choose Wisely: Pros and Cons of Different Structures
Starting a new business can be both exciting and daunting. One of the crucial decisions you’ll need to make early on is choosing the right business structure. The most common business structures are corporations,

Time is Money: Why You Should Hire a Professional Bookkeeper and Reclaim Your Time
As a business owner, time is your most valuable asset. Every minute spent on administrative tasks like bookkeeping is a minute taken away from growing your business, acquiring new customers, and increasing revenue. That’s

What to Expect in Small Business Taxes
As a small business owner, tax season can be a stressful time. With the ever-changing regulations and tax laws, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate the tax landscape. However,

Top 10 Mistakes Business Owners Make
Running a business is stressful. A lot of things can be overlooked, so, we have compiled a list of common mistakes in the business world. Not Using Business Consulting Business Consulting services are

The Complete Tax Guide
Tax Guide Tax season can be confusing and stressful, and not everyone has the time or knowledge to organize their taxes themselves. At Hylen, we offer tax services that make filing your taxes quick

10 Business Purchases You Didn’t Know Were Tax- Deductible
A tax deduction is an expense that a company or a person can subtract from their overall income. Generally, a deduction is a form of incentive that comes as a result of expenses that

A Complete Guide To Management Consulting
What is Management Consulting? Management consultants are individuals who provide services to a business in order to improve its performance, assist in solving existing problems, or help a company better reach its objectives. Consultants